Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Development In Magazine Journalism Online


Development in Magazine Journalism
• The world magazine entered the English in the late 1500s.
• The term of magazine originally from the Arabic “makhasin” which mean “storehouse”. The term magazine refers in ancient times to a place containing a collection of different items, usually military stores. Still this word describes many kind of military stores.
• In 1700s early print periodicals called magazine.
• Magazine depended on technological developments in moveable type, press, printing, and paper as a book and newspaper
• Magazines are unique medium in print media.
• Magazine was originally established in London, when the British expanded magazine began to prosper to United States in eighteen century.
• Magazine was a serious and respected medium serving millions of readers in the end of
nineteenth century.
• During the early twentieth century magazines played an important role in exposing unacceptable social conditions and stimulating social reforms. Between the two world wars, before television became a household medium, they were one of the major mass media advertising nationally distributed products.
• After World War 2 the growth of television had a significant impact on the magazine industry. Large-circulation general magazines were severely hurt financially, but new kinds of magazines were founded and the industry thrives today.
• Magazines have always served specific functions in society that differ from those either newspaper or books. Furthermore, those who subscribe to and read magazines constitute a distinct segment of U.S society. Magazines’ functions and audiences have a long and colorful history and although magazines have change greatly in recent times, at lest some remain remarkably as they were from their beginnings.
• The first magazine was “The Review” published in 1704 as a small weekly periodical and founder of the first magazine was “Daniel Defoe”. Policies of this magazine were against the Crown and Church .The first editor had been arrested earlier because of his critical writings denouncing certain policies of the Church of England.
• The first magazine published in Sub-Continent was Jam-e-Jaha Numa.
• Magazine was born as an instrument of politics.

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