Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

What is Twitter and Make Account


Twitter is an information network or Social Network that brings people closer to what’s important to them.Twitter is Social Network for connecting every people on the world. Today everyone also use the twitter to make money online, we called that make money with Twitter. Already many people can get a lot of money per day from twitter . After you created a Twitter account successfully, go back this blog i will explain you How To Make Money On Twitter?
Every day, millions of people turn to Twitter to connect to their interests, to share information, and find out whats happening in the world right now and inddition as I mentioned above we can make money with twitter. Anyone can read, write and share messages of up to 140 characters on Twitter. These messages, or Tweets, are available to anyone interested in reading them, whether logged in or not. Your followers receive every one of your messages in their timeline - a feed of all the accounts they have subscribed to or followed on Twitter. This unique combination of open, public, and unfiltered Tweets delivered in a simple, standardized 140-character unit, allows Twitter users to share and discover what’s happening on any device in real time.

How to Create a Account Twitter to Make money with twitter, for creating a account twitter is very simple, the first step you access to Twitter after that you will see a page and form for you type information person such as below :

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